I know what you are thinking...THAT GIRL IS GORGEOUS! THERE IS NO WAY SHE IS 36 WEEKS PREGNANT! I totally agree, but she actually was 36 weeks when we took these pics and she is being induced tomorrow so say a prayer for Christine and Phillip and baby Brody. We had a fabulous time taking these shots and will soon be introducing Brody to you all!

I know! He is absolutely one of the most precious gifts from God I have ever seen!! Angie and Lee (Asher's parents) were so much fun and willing to try some new things and I think we ended up with some great shots of this little one. Pictures were taken when he was less than two weeks old. Perfect age for newborns! Looking forward to many more sessions with this little one!

Ok so this is just a tiny glimpse of the sweet brothers Henry and Hays. I've just started looking through their shoot from Saturday, but had to share a few! Can't wait to look through all their pics...including some family shots with their dog Millie!

So this is just a tiny sneak peak at the beautiful MaryEllen. These pics were just taken on Sunday and I can't wait to see more. MaryEllen was practicing her lizzard face for us which we thoroughly enjoyed =) She's grown-up so quickly! There will be more with her whole family coming soon!